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2012-4-10 00:36 r99202
Moto2&3 2012 卡塔爾站[2012-04-09@英語+介紹]

【檔案大小】: 2.54GB
【影片格式】: VOB
【發音語言】: 英語
【免責聲明】: 轉貼此帖只為一些不能看直播的網民服務,不便之處,敬請原諒[size=7]
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Moto2 及 3 介紹︰
The Moto2 class replaced the 250cc category from 2010. Honda is the sole engine supplier, and Dunlop provide the tyres. The bikes are powered by a 600cc 4-stroke engine, producing around 140hp, and the design and construction of the chassis is free within the constraints of the FIM Grand Prix Technical Regulations. The main frame, swingarm, fuel tank, seat and fairing/bodywork from a non-prototype
(ie. series production road-homologated) motorcycle may not be used. The minimum age for riders is 16.

This new 4-stroke, 250cc, single-cylinder class replaces the 125cc GP category, which had its final run in 2011. The maximum age for riders is 28 years (25 for wild-card riders or those newly contracted and competing in a Moto3 for the first time) and the minimum age is 16 years.

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